The Movies, and John Apparite--but mainly The Movies

Author I. Michael Koontz's musings on the Movies, The World We Live In, and the world of 50's "Superagent" John Apparite, protagonist of his acclaimed spy series. Blog topics include the Movies (criticism and commentary), The World We Live In, and "Superagent" John Apparite, Cold War espionage, American history, and whatever else piques his fancy. See for even more. And thanks for visiting!

Monday, March 27, 2006

DisneyWorld: Heaven or Hell?

Tryin' to kill some time before the book comes out in July, so I thought I'd riff on DisneyWorld for a few blogs since my family and I just got back from there (it was, amazingly, my first visit ever to the park or a Disney attraction).

The first thing I thought when our shuttle bus pulled into our resort was this:

"Note to self--BUY DISNEY STOCK!"

I tell ya', runing that place is like havin' a license to print money. It's an enormous complex, as large as my hometown, and everything thing about it simply says "You are going to spend a butt-load of money every second of every minute of every day."

But oddly, I think it was worth nearly every penny. From the shuttle bus system, to the luggage handling, to the little theme details at the parks and resorts, it's an amazing achievement of planning and architecture.

It's not perfect--the food often seems hastily prepared; not every employee wears a smile (thought most do); and there is the occasional glitch in the system--but it did, overall, live up to my expectations of the "Disney Way" of doing things.

Just so you know, my wife and I (and now our kids) never check luggage. Went to England for nine days last year and eight days the year before, with only backpacks and a small carry-on "personal item," (as the airlines allow). Yes, it can be done! I've never understood people who try and recreate their entire closet in a suitcase--YOU'RE NOT AT HOME ANYMORE, PEOPLE! Accepting that you are in a foreign land, or at Disney, is the first step to getting better.

I can't tell you how great it is to get off the plane at Heathrow and NOT have to claim luggage; not have to haul suitcases all around the Tube. Try it JUST ONCE and you'll never go back the old way.

Anyway, expect a post from me about each park we visited over the next week and, if anyone ever reads this, let me know your experiences and opinions on Disney. I'm curious to see what others think about, say, that horror called "It's a Small World," or the all-chicken strip diet for children, or the lack of progress on the "Carousel of Progress."

Gotta' go--Disney stock is on the rise and I need to make a call to a broker.


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